Curriculum Notes
- English – Fifth Grade
- In Fifth Grade, we continue to study grammar, writing skills, reading comprehension, and spelling. In addition, we will do some novel studies together.
- Students will always have a Spelling test on Friday after the new lesson is introduced on Monday.
- Students will also be responsible for completing eight book reports/projects by the due dates given. Points will be deducted for each day late.
- English – Sixth Grade
- Students in Sixth Grade English will be reading novels, exploring grammar, poetry, fairy tales, writing, spelling, and reading comprehension.
- Students will always have a Spelling test on Friday after the new lesson is introduced on Monday.
- Students will also be responsible for completing eight book reports/projects by the due dates given. Points will be deducted for each day late.
- Math – Fifth Grade
- Students should have a Math binder with dividers to use for notes.
- Our classroom text is Sadlier Math.
- Math – Sixth Grade
- Students in Sixth Grade Math will be using the Sadlier Math Textbook and Workbook.
- Students should have a binder with dividers for notes.
- Religion – Sixth Grade
- We will enjoy Reflection Fridays as we pray, sing, and create centered around a specific theme for the week.
- Students are asked to have a composition book to use as their reflection journals.
- English – Fifth Grade