• Every Monday evening, your student will bring home his/her blue spiral notebook.  This notebook will contain the weekly spelling words and weekly sight words (two different lists). Your child should study his/her spelling words nightly.  A weekly written test will be given on Fridays.  You chlid will be tested on Sight Words orally each week.  Sight words do not have to be spelled.  Your child should be able to read the words to me when shown on a flash card.


    Math homework will come home a few times a week.  Math assignments must be returned the following day.  Please help your child to remember to place his/her math sheet in their daily take-home folder and return to school the next day.


    Each student should be reading for about 10 minutes each night.  This can include a combination of your student reading to you, you reading to your student, or you both alternate reading a text.