Dress Code/Uniform Policy
Students in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade must adhere to the dress code on all school days (with the exception of picture day or special occasions as determined by the school). They must wear the appropriate attire to and from school, including socks and shoes. If a student is not able to wear the regulation uniform for any reason, a note of explanation must be written by the parent/guardian.
The purpose of the Nazareth Elementary Dress Code is to promote the value of each child. A dress code complements the mission of the school - to serve all without distinction. It helps to eliminate competition and judgment among students based on economics. As with any uniform - Scouts, sports, etc. - a school uniform instills a sense of pride in the students for their school.
Girls Dress Uniform (Kdg - Grade 6)
- Jumper - Blue and gold plaid V-neck Skort - Navy (knee length)
- Pants - Blue twill (no jeans, corduroy, or cargo pants)
- Blue twill walking shorts *September and June only
- Blouse - White rounded collar (Peter Pan collar) or oxford style; long or short sleeved; or white turtleneck (for winter) with jumper
- Sweater - Navy crew neck or V-neck cardigan with Nazareth Elementary logo
- Navy sweater vest with Nazareth Elementary logo
- Socks - Solid white or navy knee socks, anklets, or tights
- Shoes - Black or navy dress shoes with rubber soles (no boots or heels; sneakers only on PE days)
Boys Dress Uniform (Kdg - Grade 6)
- Pants - Blue twill (no jeans, corduroy, or cargo pants)
- Blue twill walking shorts *September and June only
- Shirt - White oxford dress; long or short sleeved
- Tie - Solid navy
- Sweater - Navy crew neck or V-neck cardigan with Nazareth Elementary logo -
- Navy sweater vest with Nazareth Elementary logo
- Socks - Solid white, navy, or black
- Shoes - Black or brown dress shoes with rubber soles (no boots or heels; sneakers only on PE days)
Physical Education Uniform (Boys and Girls; Kdg - Grade 6) *Students must wear Physical Education uniforms on all PE days
- T-shirt - Navy with Nazareth Elementary logo
- Sweatshirt - Navy crew neck with Nazareth Elementary logo
- Sweatpants - Navy with Nazareth Elementary logo
- Shorts - Navy with Nazareth Elementary logo *September and June only
Uniform Suppliers:
- Stitchworks Uniform and Sports: 297 Culver Parkway - 585.654.7522 - www.stitchwork.com
- Land’s End: https://www.landsend.com/pp/SchoolSearch.html?action=landing&selectedSchoolNum=900125006